The University of Queensland

Oct 2013: As it nears the end of the year the UQ dental school has been in full swing. The first years are well on their way to adjusting into “dental school life”; already cottoning on to the benefits of friends in higher years, while the second years cling on to the dear hope of one day actually using some of this seemingly absurd amount of information to actually treat a patient.
Ironically, the novelty of seeing patients has already worn of ffor the exhausted third years, battling a gruesome 20 weekfirst semester. Fourth years can see the light at the end of the tunnel and fifth years are tryingto dodge the train (at the end of said tunnel) that is actually graduating and finding a job! Collectively we are all waiting eagerly to see if the construction of our new dental school is further today, hoping to get a glimpse before we all graduate.

2012: Clogged toilets, the monotonous sound of high-‐speed drills and suction pieces as well as the endless lines to the microwave and ironing boards… Some things will never change.
Things have started off with a bang and everyone is enjoying the last year at the dilapidated UQ dental school. Other than the occasional pulp exposure and fractured marginal ridge, the year has been relatively tear free.
There has been minimal relief from the daily grind except for a well-‐timed power outage where patients and lectures were cancelled for the day and everyone ‘regretfully’ headed back home to their warm beds. Five weeks in and we already have piles and piles of paper that will have to be slowly sifted through.

Weekend activities have been keeping us all sane. There has been a great turn out by the students to all social events held so far.
The notorious boat cruise fulfilled all expectations and will leave us recovering from the wrath of alcoholism for the remainder of the week at least. A huge commitment to the theme (super heroes and villains) was made with a lot of creativity and skin shown. Expectations will remain high for events being held later this year.
Greg Fine

Revived and refreshed from the Queensland summer sun, UQ dental students started 2012 on a high. Despite the curriculum’s best efforts to drive us into the shade of academia, we emerged regularly with a constant flow of social events.
The hermit lifestyle was thankfully evaded by the frequent opportunities to mingle including themed happy hours, the notorious boat cruise, energetic sports day and the swanky dental ball. Numerous happy hours were tactfully planned to revive our flagging morale when most needed, especially after block periods of exams. Boat cruise is always a popular, sold out night and this year lived up to our high expectations. Commendations to the first years for integrating well into the dental faculty and handling with good spirit the numerous challenges posed to them on sports day. Dental ball was a great success and provided the opportunity for students to see their teachers and mentors in a more relaxed and social setting.
This year, camaraderie flourished and resulted in a record UQ participation in ADSA activities including Dental Convention and the Red Cross blood drive. It’s always great to see a jam-packed common room filled with a jumble of students from all years interacting freely.
Excitement is growing at the prospect of our impressive, new dental facility which is currently emerging right before our eyes. Roll on 2013.