2014 ADSA Blood Challenge
The blood drive will be on again in 2014, and dental students everywhere should head down to their local blood donor service and donate as much blood as they can tolerate over the coming months.
This ​year we are running from Monday 28th April until the 30th of May.
Previous year’s blood drives were a huge success, with hundreds of lives being saved by our donations. This year, let’s make it bigger, better, and give James Cook some competition!
Register your donations at Club Red: http://www.donateblood.com.au/who-can-give/club-red/join-group
If you don’t know where your donor service is and don’t know how to Google, find your friendly liaison officer (there’s one at every school) who will tell you how to get there.
ADSA wants YOU* to donate blood!
*ADSA only wants fit and healthy people to donate blood.