About Us
What is ADSA today?​​
ADSA is the only national body to represent all dental students in Australia. We aim to foster communication between the schools, support you through your course and keep all dental students informed of issues that affect student life and our profession.
The success of ADSA relies on you, the individual dental student. Your enthusiasm and involvement are the basis behind the core of our association, so get your friends together and get involved with all we have to offer!!
Between the various committee roles, oral health promotion excursions, rural visits and the Australian Dental Students' Convention, there is certainly something to tickle your fancy!

A brief history of ADSA
ADSCC (Australian Dental Students Convention Committee) was created in 2007 as a precursor to ADSA. At the time, there was little to no networking between interstate students.
The founding students felt that a convention committee would help build the inter-university network to then later create ADSA to represent dental students at the federal level.
The ADSCC was then converted to ADSA in 2009 after its initial objectives were fulfilled in only 2 years. Great job guys!

The ADSA logo was updated in 2014