The University of Melbourne Archive

Oct 2013:
The gentler, calmer winds ofsemester one have turned and made semester two busy in all fronts! July brought about Mentor Night, Run Melbourne and the second year's Murder Mystery cocktail ball, where our budding MDSS prospective leaders showed off state-of the art publicity skills and fundraising efforts to shake off the winter chills in 1920s fashion.
August included our annual trivia night and inaugural RSPCA bake sale, raising $512 to fight animal cruelty. The recent warmer nights ended months of planning and culminated in the most anticipated event of the year - the MDSS Grand Dental Ball 2013. Held at the luxurious Crown Casino, guests strutted colourful designs and festive Rio Carnivale

2012 has been an awesome year for The Melbourne Dental Students Society (MDSS). We started the year off by welcoming our DDS1 students and initiating them at the annual pub crawl (yes, they paraded around Melbourne in clinical gowns and masks!).
The camp that followed was a huge success, with a very
large turn out and lots of exciting activities including the
'rubix cube' party. Our boat cruise was naughty-cal to say
the least! It was also a huge hit with the students, with
many dressing in crazy outfits that only dental students
would appreciate. In line with the London Olympics, we
decided to host our very own 'dentalympics' which was
all sorts of fun. This year the DDS2 students were
responsible for organising the annual cocktail ball and
they went all out - casino royale style! The grand dental
ball which soon followed was inspired by the upper east
side, rumour has it, Gossip Girl made an appearance and
stirred things up. The night went exceptionally well, and it can be summed up in two words: Gangnam style!
A mentor night was also held where a few local dentists were invited to speak about their experiences, travels and give advice to students. Everyone found this night to be very useful and we hope to make it an annual event. 2012 also saw the opening of the brand new state-of-the-art 'Melbourne oral health Training and Education Centre’ (MOHTEC). With brand new sophisticated work stations, flat-screen TVs and clinical simulation machines it was a sure hit with the students. MOHTEC also comprises a 50-chair specialist-focused, private-patient clinic. It's been an insanely fun year at Melbourne Dental School, and we're so excited to do it all over again next year! Visit for more details and up-to-date information.