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Get ready for the Annual Blood Drive!


Its that time of year again!!!! The Annual ADSA Blood Drive Starts on April 28th and is running till the 30th of May!

Help your school be the one to get the most donations and win the coveted prize.

Winner will be announced at this years Convention on the Gold Coast.

1 in 3 Australians in their life time will require a blood transfusion. However, approximately only 1 in 30 Australian’s donate blood each year.

Every week approximately 27,000 donations are required as the donated blood is used to help not only emergencies or accidents, but also used to treat cancer and other blood diseases, for people undergoing heart surgery, burn victims, orthopaedic fractures and joint replacements and other medical problems such as kidney, heart and stomach disease.

A single donation can help up to 3 individuals.

How to donate?

Its easy, simply go to local donor center (appointments can be made through your school’s liaison officer) and roll up your sleeve.

Don’t forget to register online at: by ‘joining’ the dental school you wish to support and filling in your details.

Remember you must register online for your donation to count towards your schools total!

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