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Nursing & Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme


Check out the range of scholarships available to allied health students, thanks to the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health, and funded by Department of Health and Aging --

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) administers the Allied Health Streams of the Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS). Funding is provided by the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) and this national program supports health professionals and future health professionals to train and practice in geographic and clinical areas of need.The specific objectives of the NAHSSS are to:

  • Increase the workforce by encouraging young people to pursue a career in allied health;

  • Support allied health professionals to undertake continuing professional development; and

  • Encourage health careers in geographic areas and professions where there are shortages.

  • SARRAH manages five allied health scholarship streams under the NAHSSS. These are:

Undergraduate Scholarship: Provides assistance for people living in rural, remote and regional areas to study at an undergraduate or entry level. Applications open 3 September 2013.

Clinical Placement Scholarship: Provides assistance to allied health students to undertake a clinical placement, during their course of study, in rural and remote Australia. Applications open 26 August-8 October 2013.

Postgraduate Scholarship: Provides assistance for allied health professionals who provide a clinical service within Australia to enhance their skills and further develop their knowledge. Applications are open NOW.

Continuing Professional Development Scholarship: Provides assistance for practicing allied health professions to attend continuing professional development activities such as short courses and conferences to enhance their professional practice. Applications are open NOW.

Clinical Psychology Scholarship: Provides assistance for eligible applicants to gain a qualification recognised by the Australian Psychology Board as a clinical psychologist. Applications are open NOW.

Download a copy of the SARRAH Scholarship Brochure here...

Additional Scholarships for Tasmania

As part of the newly announced Tasmanian health package, SARRAH will award additional allied health scholarships for 2013 and 2014. These additional scholarships are for practicing Tasmanian Allied Health Professionals to undertake Postgraduate and Continuing Professional Development Courses and also for Allied Health students to undertake Clinical Placements within Tasmania.

The application process for these additional scholarships will remain the same as for current scholarships.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants

SARRAH is committed to supporting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health workforce through the NAHSSS. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

NOTE: Nurses are not eligible for the NAHSSS Scholarships administered by SARRAH. The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) administers all NAHSSS Scholarships for Nurses.

Further information can be found at ACN website.

For more information on Scholarships and Application Process:

Ph 02 6285 4960 Fx 02 6162 4094 E: Free call: 1800 338 061

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