Oral Health Therapist Graduate Year Program
Oral Health Therapist graduates have the opportunity to be part of an exciting, new professional pathways program from 2015
The Oral Health Therapist Graduate Year Program (OHTGYP) offers selected newgraduates not only a full 12 months’ paid experience, but a $10,000 bonus incentivewhen they complete the program. 50 Graduates will be selected for 2015, with entry to this valuable program being on a competitive basis.
Supported by the Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists’ Association, the Program will be centred around experiences in a range of clinical settings, withonline curriculum, mentoring and professional support throughout the year. The OHT’s salary is paid for by the Program.
Service Providers from both metropolitan and regional/remote clinical settings will host OHT graduates to consolidate, polish and extend their expertise while addressing public oral health challenges. Providers may be in the public health sector or private, provided they are delivering public health services.
The Curriculum Development Team has broad experience in developing and delivering education programs for oral health therapists across Australia and is working to develop materials that will offer professional development in the full range of oral health therapist graduate skills.
The curriculum will facilitate clinical and professional development through the use of case studies, webinars, case treatment reviews and communities of practice using web-based resources and learning materials. Mentoring and local professional support will strengthen the value of the curriculum for the recently graduated OHTs.
Online applications open 21 July and close 17 August 2014
It is anticipated that tTstructured so that 80% of the program is devoted to clinical activity. The remaining 20% of placement time will be allowed for the non-clinical curriculum component, with professional support from an experienced mentor.
The OHTGYP provides a vehicle through which graduates can consolidate and extend their skills and experience through a professional year while engaging with a range of patients with varying clinical needs. Indigenous communities, regional and remote communities and urban communities will all benefit from the skill of the participating OHTs.
A warm welcome from host service providers will await each participant. Service providers will register to host graduates and will develop a plan for the clinicalactivities of the placement. Graduates will be matched and placed to meet theirinterests in balance with the oral health needs of communities. It is possible that a Graduate will work with 2 or more service providers during their graduate year, especially to experience urban and regional clinical settings.
General information is available on the website including detail about theapplication process and documentation. Please start gathering any required informationand be ready, as no late applications can be accepted.
So, if being part of a dynamic team serving your community while enhancing yourskills and being supported by experienced and engaged mentors appeals, then findout more at:
For OHTGYP information, please contact Di Ewens, Program Director or René Peters, Program Coordinator on 08 8232 9688, ohtgyp@aitec.edu.au or visit www.aitec.edu.au/ohtgyp/
The Oral Health Therapist Graduate Year Program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing