Future Health Leaders Rural Health leadership Forum
Jess Zachar (Rural) and Audrey Irish (President)
The Future Health Leaders (FHL) Rural Health leadership Forum was held in Orange this year and saw a range of students and early graduates from all different health backgrounds spend the weekend at Charles Sturt University, Orange Campus.
We had Audrey and Jess (2nd from the right) attend as ADSA representatives to find out what the hot topics are in rural heath at the moment. The day included a variety of inspirational guest speakers including Dr Shannon Nott, Dr Tom Calma and Tom Harper as well as some smaller breakout workshops.
The ADSA executive attended the Inaugural FHL conference last year, so it was great that we could follow up on the great work of last year’s committee. FHL are keen to develop health leaders for the future, and we think it’s important that dentistry and oral health are leading the way on the important health issues.
FHL have a number of workshops and events around the country, so check out their website for upcoming events and talks so you to can become a Future Heath Leader.