Brisbane 2011

​Tuesday 5th July 2011 marked the first of many in a week of "Australian and New Zealand Dentistry and Oral Health Students Gone Wild!" (© Sass Morrissey 2011). Questionable-gendered Scandinavians joined can-can and
flamenco dancers; genies and Hogwarts wizards came together with pharaohs, emperors and gladiators; ninjas
and gangsters crashed the party, leaving the Hawaiians to encourage friendship, relaxation and a few cheeky
​Wednesday morning, many a student struggled out of bed and onto the buses, unsure of who they were now friends with out of costume, and who they'd ‘hung out’ with in the spa! At UQ, the academic programme began. A feast of topics were discussed throughout the week; from Endo, Ortho and Oral Surgery, Forensic Odontology and Biological Engineering to Rural and International Dentistry initiatives we can get involved in (Talk to our new Rural Officer, Laura!) At dusk, students donned hunter and prey disguises & ran out into the Brisbane city night for the Rumble in the Jungle pub crawl. Several bar tabs were ravenously devoured and d-floors shook with raw instinct & animal attraction into the early hours.
​Thursday saw a repeat of tired bodies dragging themselves onto the buses to the Gold Coast, for a day visit to two of Griffith University's campuses. After lectures, students had a quick tour of Griffith's Centre for Medicine and Oral Health before a quick stop for gelato (or MacDonald's, for those who couldn't appreciate gelati in Winter!) and an exclusive night at Dreamworld with lasers, smoke, laser tag, gourmet platters and, of course, big thrill rides!
​Friday morning, after lectures and gourmet pizza, the first AGM was held. Lots of newbies realised how
important it is that members get involved in ADSA, to help it grow into a perfect organisation for us all (- we're
getting there!) With this in mind, many students sported 'ADSA MAKES CHANGE' markered on their bodies (and
had fun trying to scrub it o" before Saturday night's social) at the Pyjama Party boat cruise. Following more
drinks and dancing, everyone dispersed throughout Brisbane City, for midnight pancakes, karaoke and
Predictably, Saturday morning's lecture attendance sorted the soldiers from the weak. AGM elections
were held and the bids were shown. Everyone present benefited greatly from these, and have
since gained the power of 'efficuntionality’. To end the week, we all caked on concealer for a classy
night (including spirits!) at Cloudland and some epic shape-cutting on the d-floor at The Met.
Somehow, we found our way from The Valley back to the city to sleep before (/through) the
farewell breakfast Sunday morning, and sadly said our goodbyes as we all set o" home (to all
around Australia and even Otago, New Zealand) to the real world. Awwww :’)