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Join us This Wednesday to voice your concern

Jobs are hard to come by. During 8.00-9.00pm AEDT on the 26th of March, we are trying to get as any people as we can to tweet about the...

ADSA March 2014 Articulate Released!

The latest newsletter from ADSA is available to read online. Find out about the upcoming #dentalcrisis Workforce campaign, our new...

First Year Booklet Released for 2014

Hey first years! Dental school can be daunting, but you can survive the journey of your first year with the ADSA First Year Booklet. It's...

ADSA Funding Policy - we want your feedback!

The ADSA executive has been working hard to expand the advocacy arm of the association. We have developed a draft policy advocating for...

ADSA Blood Challenge Results

Congratulations on James Cook University for winning the 2013 Blood Challenge with a 14.50% donation rate! The result was based on the...

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