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Blood drive - last week to donate!

The blood drive ends this Friday 30th May! For those who have, thank you so much for making a difference in someone's life and for...

Convention 2014 Registrations are NOW OPEN!

We have heard your cries, and finally... THE WAIT IS OVER. Registrations are NOW OPEN for this years ADSA Convention on the Gold Coast!...

ADSA March 2014 Articulate Released!

The latest newsletter from ADSA is available to read online. Find out about the upcoming #dentalcrisis Workforce campaign, our new...

First Year Booklet Released for 2014

Hey first years! Dental school can be daunting, but you can survive the journey of your first year with the ADSA First Year Booklet. It's...

The ADSA 2014 Convention dates are set !

The 2014 Griffith Uni convention team have been working hard laying the foundations for next year's convention, with the important...

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