Rural Event Report: NRHSN Next Gen 2013 Conference
Jess Zachar (Rural) and Audrey Irish (President)
This conference’s focus was on leading the future of rural health, so we heard from a number of inspirational health professionals who have achieved many great things in the rural health arena. One talk that was particularly relevant to ADSA was from Dr David Baker, a dentist from QLD who set up the Cherbourg dental program for Griffith dentistry students.

This program was set up while Dr Baker was still a student and allows students to volunteer in an Aboriginal Medical Service in their holidays. It is a great initiative that allows students to get experience in Indigenous health, see what a rural community is like and help out a community in need.
The conference also included skills workshops, forums for the sharing of ideas and information which will help inform policy and program development for a sustainable rural and remote health workforce. It also provided many networking opportunities and we met students from a range of health disciplines from all over Australia.
We had some great discussions with other students, professionals and stakeholders about how to promote rural health and improve access to dentists in rural and remote areas. It was a wonderful conference and we would highly recommend students attend events run by the NRHSN as they are extremely enlightening. Students can apply to their local rural health club for funding to attend the conference and I encourage everyone to do so to attend next year’s conference.
We think it’s a great initiative and would love to see more programs like these around Australia. If you are interested in doing so, please email for more information.